I am receiving queries from the Adnyamathanha community about the meeting called by the directors of Rangelea Holdings Pty Ltd on 22 April 2023. Following is my reply to an invitation to attend this meeting:
Dear Mr Coulthard
I acknowledge receipt of a notice of meeting of Adnyamathanha common law holders called by the Rangelea directors. The notice is not dated however it was received by me via email on Wednesday 12 April 2023.
Calling a meeting of common law holders just prior to the SA Supreme Court hearing scheduled for Wednesday 26 April 2023 at which the Court will finalise orders requiring Rangelea Holdings Pty Ltd to produce books and records relating to the management of the Master Trust and prior to the release of any report by an Inspector on the administration of the Master Trust by Rangelea Holdings Pty Ltd is in my opinion not right. The holding of a common law holders meeting to deliver the outcome of the Inspector’s review would be much more beneficial for the common law holders.
I acknowledge the right of the directors of Rangelea Holdings Pty Ltd to call a meeting of Adnyamathanha common law holders.
I will not be attending the Rangelea Holdings Pty Ltd meeting scheduled for 22 April 2023.