The Department for Infrastructure and Transport (DIT) has works that require progressing on the Beltana Access Road, between the Outback Highway and Beltana Township.
These works are being undertaken by SA Road Services on behalf of DIT to ensure the road is made safer and more reliable for road users, and the remote outback communities.
This courtesy notice is to provide advice that the existing road surface will be upgraded and reconstructed using a cap seal.
This will be undertaken utilising imported road materials and water and will be occurring entirely within the existing road corridor.
The works are expected to be undertaken in two stages:
- Stage 1 – Reconstruction and cap sealing of the road, excluding floodway areas. These works are expected to remain entirely within the current road footprint and are not a notifiable act for the purposes of the Adnyamathanha Native Title Claim.
- Stage 2 – Floodway upgrades at multiple locations along Beltana Access Road. This work is currently being scoped and developed. Formal notification under the Native Title Act 1993 will be forthcoming if required.
To ensure compliance with the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1988, DIT undertook a search of the Department of Premier and Cabinet – Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation (DPC – AAR) Register of Aboriginal Sites and Objects. The search found that there were no known heritage sites located within the project area, this included a 25m buffer around the proposed locations.
DIT staff and contractors will be practicing caution while undertaking works in the area, including implementing the following measures:
- All works will be restricted to within the existing road corridor.
- Contractors will be advised that employees, equipment and plant must be entirely located within the existing road corridor.
- The DIT Discovery Protocols will be readily available in the unlikely event of a discovery of Aboriginal sites, objects or remains.
- ATLA will be contacted immediately if a potential discovery is found on this project.
Further information can be obtained from the project manager Mr Bonaventure Tan on (08) 8648 5243.